User Registration for Ntrip Broadcasters


Please complete this form in order to apply for free real-time access to GNSS data streams from

All our Broadcasters are accessible through port 2101 as well as port 443 (TLS). Providing access is a service supporting the EPN Real-Time Analysis Project and the IGS Real-Time Service.

To share the stream dissemination workload, several NTRIP relays are operated in different regions worldwide. We therefore kindly ask you to take into consideration a registration at one of the following casters, which might be located close to your region.

Global GNSS Ntrip Broadcasters

Regional GNSS Ntrip Broadcasters

Registration Depending on available stream dissemination resources, simultaneous access to more than 5 up to 50 streams can be granted for Real-time IGS Pilot Project participants and those supporting EUREF or IGS through operating an NTRIP relay. You may like to request an appropriate account for that from [] or [] by separate email.

(Please use only standard ASCII characters.)

Family Name
First Name
Organization Type
Fields with an * must be filled!

A code will be send to the entered e-mail address for verifification.

Each organization participating in EUREF-IP or IGS-IP or the further development of NTRIP voluntarily brings its own funding according to its own mission. Many of these contributors are public or government institutions or other research organizations. To help justify funding, we kindly ask users to include a citation when use of EUREF-IP or IGS-IP data or software developed in their framework results in a publication.

We suggest:
Weber G., Dettmering D., Gebhard H.: Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP). In: Sanso F. (Ed.): A Window on the Future, Proceedings of the IAG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 2003, Springer Verlag, Symposia Series, Vol. 128, p. 60-64, 2005.

By submitting this form, you confirm your personal information and accept the Terms of Service, the BKG privacy policy and acknowledgement of the notes.

Terms of Service: By completing this registration and/or using the Service, the Subscriber agrees to accept the Service as is, and also acknowledges that the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie) makes no assurances, implied or otherwise, for the accuracy or availability of the Service. The Subscriber also accepts that the Service can have outages and degradations in accuracy and that these events can render the Service unsuitable for any use. The Subscriber shall indemnify, defend and hold the BKG and its affiliates harmless from any loss or damage resulting from any claim by any person relating to the data services provided under this agreement.

Privacy: I agree with the BKG privacy policy

Notes: For highrate RINEX files, please consult the EUREF Highrate and IGS Highrate archives.